
I do love rain

And when it rains,
Will you always find an escape?

And you'll sleep 'til May

And convinced yourself that
It's not the reason you don't see the sun anymore

And how could you do it?

And I need the ending.
So why can't you stay just long enough to explain?

hubungan bukan hanya kontak fisik semata, saya penganutnya



let's sing "Happy Birthdayyyy!"

on the way to your place

white rose




seorang teman menyuruh gue untuk membuka web ini dan mendapatkan test result gue sendiri. Semacam tes kepribadian gitu.. Dan hasilnya gue termasuk Energetic Doer (cheerful and spontaneous persons) hwihiii tepaaat :)

Penjelasannya panjaaang banget, tapi dari semuanya yg gue rasa itu hampir tepat atau persis tepat dengan kepribadian gue adalah :
-They are charming and full of energy and real persons of action
-popular problem solvers (kata temen-temen)
-Energetic Doers live completely in the here and now and make spontaneous decisions from one moment to the next
-they love being together with other people and are sensuous, lively and amusing conversationalists
-Energetic Doers magically attract fun and action
-They are bored to death by routine, safety and calculability
-They react to new challenges flexibly and effectively
-They say how something has to be done and that’s that!

In a relationship :
-Charismatic, lively, and passionate, you have no problems finding a partner to charm (mungkin)
-You want someone on your side with whom you can share lots of fun and action, who loves life as much as you, and is ready for any adventure (YESSS!)
-All too complicated harmony-needy, and security-minded personalities are not a good choice for you in the long term. They’ll bore you very quickly (HAHA)
-You will be faithful as long as the excitement between you is alive and well

Adjectives which describe your type:
extroverted, practical, logical, spontaneous, resolved, direct, objective, conscientious, attentive, likes taking risks, cheerful, impulsive, optimistic, sociable, enthusing, full of the joys of life, aggressive, inconsiderate, dynamic, lively, rash, competition-oriented, action-loving, energetic, charming, superior, solution-oriented, adventurous, go-ahead, changeable, outgoing


Do you remember the time
When there were the simple things
Where I just looked in to your eyes
then we'll be connected

So let me remember the shape of the evening
Cause when the day's over who knows when I'll see you again

Adhitia Sofyan- Carnaval



almost 4 years!!

15 November nanti akan menjadi hari jadi geng gue yang ke-4 tahun. And I really really really miss them soooooooooo bad :( Sempat terlintas kalo aja gue gapernah kenal mereka, dan 6 tahun ini (selama 2 tahun belom resmi deket banget sama keseleruhan) hidup gue tanpa mereka, mungkin gue ga akan jadi gue yang seperti sekarang. Karena waktu SMP, di masa-masa labil itu mereka yang mengisi gue. Mereka yang selalu ngasih tau mana hitam mana putih, mana lucu dan mana jayus -..-

Gue inget, minggu pertama masuk SMA, Naomi Talitha Adjani my best soulmate ever yang merupakan salah satu dari geng gue juga, nelfon gue saat itu. Kita beda sekolah, dan dia nangis di telpon karna katanya kangen banget karena kita udah ga satu sekolah lagi..

Sekarang udah mau kuliah aja, gue gatau apa tahun ini kita punya kesempatan buat ngerayain bareng-bareng lagi kaya taun lalu atau enggak.. Yang jelas ketemu doooooooong, gue kangen banget bad (kita saling memanggil satu sama lain dgn sebutan'bad'). Aah gue nangis nih, kangen banget :((

Pramulia Ratu Harirama, Marissa Devi Susardi, Amalia Hafsari, Alfinia Novadilla, Chandry Hanif Wicaksani Tasofa, Zahrina Larasati Wulandary Samiadji, Pranindya Nur Adha Hadiwidjoyo, Siti Afriany Sharah, Chiko Kurnia Permata Rizky, Yasmine Salida Hamedan, Lolita Sekar Farwinda, Vannia Sarastami, Raras Mayang Kencono, Naomi Talitha Adjani, Okky Osesa Nuriprasinta!♥♥♥

p.s : seragam berbeda, tapi semuanya masih sama :)



Hmm pastinya gue akan terlihat lebih tinggi bukan? :D Ohyaaa she's PIXIE LOTT!!!!



Sedikit basi mungkin.. Udah lamaa banget main tag-tag kaya gini. Cuma beberapa waktu lalu hem minggu lalu kira-kira gue menemukan foto tag ini, dan gue tag-tag in. Iseeeeng banget, soalnya gue suka sama pengkategoriannya hihi, dan sampe beberapa hari ini notification facebook gue masih penuh sama comment orang-orang.

1. Tag a new friend : Lusy Indah Amelia, Cynthia Alifka Rahayu
2. Tag someone you realized you cant live without : gabisa hanya seseorang aja yang gue tag, karna gue bener-bener gabisa hidup tanpa Pramulia Ratu Harirama, Amalia Hafsari, Alfinia Novadilla, Chandry Tasofa, Larasati Wulandary Samiadji, Pranindya Hadiwidjoyo, Amoz Sharah, Chiko Permata Rizky, Yasmine Salida, Lita Farwinda, Vannia Sarastami, Raras Mayang, Naomi Talitha Adjani, Okky Osesa Nuriprasinta!
3. Tag someone you met when you were little : Reza Jamil Fajri, Razi Jamil
4. Tag someone you always have fun with : Hikmaya Arindini
5. Tag your bestfriend : Desinta Adisa Hoesni
6. Tag someone who likes good music : Sherryta Utari
7. Tag the smartest person you know : Chessa Rachmalaputri (me) ahuahuahua
8. Tag someone you miss : Baharuddin Jusuf
9. Tag someone who has nice hair : Saan Nia
10. Tag someone who makes you smile on your worst day : Raffli Hafiz ♥
11. Tag the person with really nice eyes : Yurie Karina
12. Tag someone who makes you laugh a lot : All of them!
13. Tag the person who you can talk to about anything : Vidya Wati