
Hampir 2,5 tahun

This is a wake up call.

so please,

Wake up!

"some things dont last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down on the corners and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see there."

Salahkan Jason Mraz dan 3 lagu darinya yang benar-benar saya suka

Salahkan Adhitia Sofyan dan seluruh lagu di albumnya

Salahkan Sondre Lerche, Yuna, atau bahkan Sarah Bareilles.

Ini adalah moment ketika seseorang mendengarkan beberapa lagu dan memory nya langsung kembali pada saat lagu-lagu tersebut tepat sedang menjadi soundtrack hidupnya.

it's really really virgo!

A #Virgo will keep trying before they ask for help... that is, if they ever ask.

You may never know a #virgo is worried or stressed because of their ability to display a cool and calm demenor.

A #virgo will measure every angle of a fall before they even consider taking it. They must be sure you're worth it.

#Virgos make no pretenses; Exactly what they say is exactly how they feel.

#Virgos like to solve their own problems.

#Virgos are interesting, well versed and charming conversationalist.

A #virgo would rather have a few close friends over a lot of random, social acquaintances.

What ever a #virgo does, they must do it thoroughly and get it exactly right or they will feel dissatisfied.

#Virgos are motivational friends. They're the ones you call when you feel like stopping.

Fall in love with a #Virgo and the intensity can be MIND-blowing.

Most #virgos have the ability to see many angles of a situation. This makes them the perfect person to seek advice from.

A #Virgo doesn't need anyone to agree with them. They are usually comfortable enough with themselves to stand alone if they have to.

#Virgos are emotional beings, but when making situational decisions, emotion plays a small role while logic is the main character.

What a #virgo feels on the inside, may not be what they display on the outside.

#Virgos hate overly dramatic people.

A #virgo will only give their whole heart or they won't give it at all.... All or nothing.

#virgos question everything.

If a #virgo doesn't like you, its obvious. You wont have to wonder about it.

If a #Virgo warms up to you, you will discover so many wonderful layers of personality you didn't know existed.

You could hate a #virgo, but they could care less if you don't matter to them.

A #virgo always has something smart to say, even if they don't say it.

#Virgos are very SELF AWARE. Before you can tell a virgo about themselves, they already know.

A #virgo only knows how to love with authenticity.

#Virgos live in their mind so they have no problems telling you what's on it.

#Virgos have a lovey-dovey mushy side, it only comes out for that special person though.

In a relationship w/ a #virgo, even the smallest efforts to make them happy don't go unnoticed. They appreciate it & will show you how much.

A #virgo will not agree with a friend/lover if they're wrong. They would rather them grow from the truth.

A #virgo is always trying to see into the future. They have a strong need to be prepared and they love to be steps ahead of the rest.

Unfortunately, its not hard to annoy a #virgo.

It is very hard to read a #virgo, they are illusive with emotions.

#Virgos do not like to leave things unsaid or undone.

A #virgo friend/lover gives the best advice. They will help you see more than just your side, while still being on your side.

#Virgos love a plan, & is annoyed if you change it at the last minute.

source: @virgonation



Tugas ini dibuat oleh Calon Panitia Prokm ITB 2011 sebagai salah satu "tugas angkatan" untuk menjadi Panitia Prokm ITB 2011. Saya terus terang sangat senang melihatnya. Walaupun mengurangi jatah liburan dan sedikit mengganggu jadwal Semester Pendek, tapi kalau melihat bagaimana kita berusaha mengalahkan jiwa kerdil, oportunis, egois, dan mementingkan diri di sini, saya merasa bangga. Bangga menjadi salah satu bagian dari kalian :)

Salam Ganesha!

Bakti Kami Untuk-Mu Tuhan, Bangsa, dan Almamater! Merdeka!


DEEPER CONVERSATION- Yuna with lyrics on screen#

..And if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
and everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me..